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    How to Use Boob Tape for Big Boobs

    How to Use Boob Tape for Big Boobs

    Sisters with ample assets, this one's for you! Finding bras and tops that properly support and lift large breasts can be a real struggle. Underwires dig in, straps slip down, and shapes turn pointy or pancaked. It's enough to make you want to go braless - if only gravity wasn't such an issue!

    Enter boob tape. Whats boob tape, you ask? Well, this magical adhesive can provide a comfortable lift and shape for big boobs of all sizes. Keep reading for tips and tricks for how to use boob tape with a larger bust. 

    Choosing the Right Tape

    Not all tapes are created equal when it comes to boob support. Here are the best options:

    • Gaffer's tape - Designed for attaching cables and equipment, the thick cotton weave backing and strong adhesive of gaffer's tape make it a top choice for taping breasts. Look for wider rolls (2-3 inches) to get more lift.
    • Kinesiology tape - Used by athletes for muscle support, kinesio tape is designed to be gentle on skin. It has less adhesive grip than gaffer's tape but can work well for lighter lift and shaping.
    • Boob tape - Specifically manufactured for breasts, boob tapes like BSX Boob Tape provide good lift while being easy to remove. They can be more expensive than basic tapes.
    • Duct tape - In a pinch, plain old duct tape can be used to tape breasts. Look for fabric-based types rather than plastic-coated. Change tapes frequently to avoid irritation.

    No matter which tape you choose, be sure to do a patch test on your arm first to assess skin sensitivity. Only use breathable cotton tapes to minimize sweating and potential irritation.

    Prepping Your Breasts

    Proper prep is key for getting the best lift and shape from boob tape. Follow these steps:

    • Clean breasts thoroughly and make sure skin is completely dry. Any moisture will impede tape adhesion. We talk more about this in our guide on boob tape for sensitive skin.
    • Apply nipple covers if needed for modesty and to prevent irritation. Reusable silicone covers work best.
    • Dust breasts lightly with powder - baby powder or cornstarch works well. This will help absorb sweat and oil for better tape grip.
    • If breasts are pendulous, consider using medical tape to pull them up towards your collar bone first. This provides a "boost" for the other tape.

    Now you're ready to start taping!

    Taping Techniques and Tips

    When taping large breasts, technique is everything. Follow these methods to lift and shape your bust with boob tape:

    • Start by anchoring tape at the outer top of your breasts, near your armpits. Apply strips from top to bottom in an inward direction, pressing firmly.
    • Focus tape placement underneath and along the bottoms of breasts to provide lift against gravity. Use upward stroking motions when smoothing tape.
    • For maximum lift, crisscross tape strips under the breasts to create a hammock or sling effect.
    • To create cleavage, tape breasts toward the center. For wide-set breasts, tape inward from outer tops of each breast. Read more in our guide on tape for breast cleavage
    • For the best hold, wrap tape completely under breasts and onto your rib cage and back.
    • Use multiple thinner strips for better contouring rather than few wide pieces. Layer and smooth carefully to avoid ridges under clothing.
    • Take care when removing tape at the end of wear. Soak with oil or tape remover and peel slowly to avoid irritation.

    Be sure to also check out our guide on how to tape up boobs

    how to use boob tape for big boobs

    Dressing for Success with Taped Breasts

    The right tops and dresses make your taped breasts look fabulous:

    • For low cut looks, choose tops with structured cups or inner support panels to keep the girls front and center. Adhesive and stick-on bras can help too. Read more in our guide on how to tape breast for deep V dress
    • Look for backless styles to show off your lifted, shaped boob tape boobs. Halter tops and dresses are perfect for flaunting taped cleavage. We cover this in our article on boob tape for backless dress
    • Strapless and multi-way tops keep straps from covering up pretty taped breasts. Bandeaus and tubes are other strapless options.
    • Since tape adheres best to bare skin, stay away from friction and fabric creep by choosing tops and dresses in smooth, silky or very stretchy fabrics.
    • Be mindful of tabs, embellishments, and hardware that could catch on tape and cause it to peel off. Seek out garments with clean lines and flat surfaces.

    Additional Tips and Precautions

    • Test your tape look under clothing lighting to make sure shaping looks smooth, not bumpy.
    • For added security, tape into an adhesive bra or nipple covers so you have two layers of support.
    • Keep an emergency boob tape kit in your bag for quick adjustments: tape, nipple covers, wipes, powder, scissors, etc.
    • Change tapes daily to avoid irritation. Never sleep in boob tapes! Read more in our guide on "Is boob tape reusable?"
    • Avoid vigorous activity that could cause heavy sweating while taped. The tape grip may loosen.
    • Seek professional bra fitting advice if taping causes back or neck strain. You may need more support.

    Final Thoughts

    With the right tape products, techniques and clothes, boob tape lets big busts achieve a perky, supported shape for plunging, strapless and backless styles. Just be sure to monitor your skin for irritation, change tapes frequently, and avoid exposing the tape edges. Have fun and flaunt those lifted lovelies!

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